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Service:60 m. Holy Fire® III Reiki and sound meditation add another, change

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. "Rei" means spiritual wisdom and higher levels of consciousness. "Ki" (Qii, Chi) means life force energy. When an experience like we did tonight or placement (attunements) are received we are able to tap into the life force energy almost like we are a conduit allowing the energy to flow through us. This energy can be used with hand placements for ourselves or for the purpose of facilitating healing for others. As I mentioned it can be a hands-on or off method. We can work on the physical or explore the aura in the emotional, mental, and spiritual layers. 

Choose Therapist: Cherise Hassett LMT, CHT
Date/time:Choose one of the openings below. (PDT)